Kaye Beaumont Botanicals
Est. 1969
Since 1969, Kaye Beaumont has been setting the standard in international skin care. Trained in London, Paris, Germany, New York and Australia, Kaye Beaumont holds a diploma from C.I.D.E.S.C.O. (Comite Internationale d'Esthetique et de Cosmetologie), a body formed in 1946 to establish a high standard of professional ability and integrity, and to create a link between doctors, plastic surgeons, cosmetic chemists and other beauty experts.
From her first clinic in Ipswich, Australia, to her first esthetician school in Northern Australia, to her move into the American esthetic movement, Kaye Beaumont has garnered a reputation for excellence in products, treatments and training.

The specialty skin care line she offers today has evolved from what her clients have needed in her clinics over the years, for example, acne, wrinkles, rosacea, or pre/post-op care, etc...
Kaye's goal is to help each client to find their skins natural beauty.
Our products are never tested on animals.